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Dr.Bin Song
Full Professor at Xidian University
Department:School of Telecommunications Engineering
Doctoral major: communication and information system
Post-graduated major: communication and information system
Snail-mail: School of Telecommunications Engineering, P.O. Box 104, Xidian University, (Postcode: 710071)
Email: bsong@mail.xidian.edu.cn
Tel(office): (029)88204409
Office Address: Room A502, Science Building, North Campus, Xidian University
Bin Song received the BS, MS, and PhD in communication and information systems from Xidian University, Xi’an, China, in 1996, 1999, and 2002, respectively. In 2002, he joined the School of Telecommunications Engineering, Xidian University, where he is currently a professor in communications and information systems. He is also the associate director of State Key Laboratory of Integrated Services Networks, IEEE Senior member.
1. Novel technology for video coding: including distributed video coding, compressed sensing based video coding, HVS-based post processes, content-based image recognition and machine learning, image and video big data.
2. Embedded multimedia communication system: including services enabling multiple formats of video transcoding, wireless multimedia communication terminals, LTE-based simulators and demonstrator for mobile satellite communications, storage and distribution of multimedia big data under wireless network environments.