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Manuscript : CSSP-D-20-01292R1

Title: New two-dimensional Wigner distribution and ambiguity function associated with the two-dimensional nonseparable linear canonical transform

Authors: Deyun Wei; Yi Shen

The Code forNew two-dimensional Wigner distribution and ambiguity function associated with the two-dimensional nonseparable linear canonical transform is as follows:

Representative papers:(form the year 2010 to 2021)

[1]Deyun Wei*, Yuan-Min Li, Generalized sampling expansion with multiple sampling rates for lowpass and bandpass signals in the fractional Fourier domian. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 2016, 64(8), 4861-4974.

[2]Deyun Wei*, et, Convolution and Sampling for the Offset Affine Transform and Their Applications, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2019, 67(23), 6009-6024.

[3]Deyun Wei*, et, Sparse Discrete Linear Canonical Transform and Its Applications, Signal Processing, 2021, 183, 108046.

[4] et,Deyun Wei*, Double-encrypted watermarking algorithm based on cosine transform and fractional Fourier transform in invariant wavelet domain, Information Science, 2021, 551, 205-227.

[5]Deyun Wei*, et, Lattices Sampling and Sampling rate Conversion of Multidimensional Bandlimited Signals in the Linear Canonical Transform Domain. Journal of the Franklin Institute. 356 (13), 7571-7607, September, 2019.

[6] et,Deyun Wei*, Image Watermarking Based on Matrix Decomposition and Gyrator Transform in Invariant Integer Wavelet Domain, Signal Processing, 2020, 169, 107421.

[7]Deyun Wei*, et, Fractional Stockwell Transform: Theory and Applications, Digital Signal Processing, 2021, S1051-2004(21)00129-9.

[8] et,Deyun Wei*, Robust and reliable image copyright protection scheme using downsampling and block transform in integer wavelet domain, Digital Signal Processing, 2020, 106, 102805.

[9]Deyun Wei*, Yuanmin Li, Novel tridiagonal communting matrices for Types I, IV, V, VIII DCT and DST Matrices. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2014, 21(4), 483-487.

[10]Deyun Wei*, Qiwen Ran, et, A convolution and product theorem for the linear canonical transform, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2009, 16(10), 853-856.

[11]Deyun Wei*, Qiwen Ran, et, Generalized sampling expansion for bandlimited signals associated with the fractional Fourier transform, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2010, 17(6), 595-598.

[12]Deyun Wei*, et, Random Discrete Linear Canonical Transform. Journal of the Optical Society of Americal A-Optics Image Science and Vision. 33 (12), 2470-2476, 2016.

[13]Deyun Wei*, Qiwen Ran, et, Reconstruction of band-limited signals from multichannel and periodic nonuniform samples in the linear canonical transform domain, Optics Communications, 2011, 284, 4307-4315.

[14]Deyun Wei*,Qiwen Ran, et, Multichannel sampling expansion in the linear canonical transform domain and its application to superresolution, Optics Communications, 2011, 284(23), 5424-5429.

[15]Deyun Wei*, Yuanmin Li, Sampling reconstruction of N-dimensional bandlimited images after multilinear filtering in fractional Fourier domain, Optics Communications. 2013, 295, 26-35.

[16]Deyun Wei*, Yuanmin Li, Reconstruction of Multidimensional Bandlimited Signals from Multichannel Samples in the Linear Canonical Transform Domain. IET Signal Processing. 2014,8(6), 647-657.Awarded:2016 Premium Award for Best Paper in IET Signal Processing



[17]Deyun Wei*, Qiwen Ran, et, Fractionalization of odd time odd frequency DFT matrix based on the eigenvectors of a novel nearly tridiagonal commuting matrix, IET Signal Processing, 2011, 5(2), 150-156.

[18]Deyun Wei*, Qiwen Ran, et, Multichannel sampling and reconstruction of bandlimited signals in the linear canonical transform domain, IET Signal Processing, 2011, 8(5), 717-727.

[19]Deyun Wei*, Image Super-resolution using the high-order derivative interpolation associated with fractional filter function. IET Signal Processing. 2016, 10(9), 1052-1061.

[20]Deyun Wei*, et, Time-frequency analysis method based on affine Fourier transform and Gabor transform. IET Signal Processing. 11(2), 213-220, April, 2017.

[21]Deyun Wei*, Filterbank Reconstruction of Band-limited Signals from Multichannel Samples Associated with the Linear Canonical Transform. IET Signal Processing. 11(3), 320-331, May, 2017.


Journal article:


[1]Deyun Wei*, et, Sparse Discrete Linear Canonical Transform and Its Applications, Signal Processing, 2021, 183, 108046.

[2] et,Deyun Wei*, Double-encrypted watermarking algorithm based on cosine transform and fractional Fourier transform in invariant wavelet domain, Information Science, 2021, 551, 205-227.

[3]Deyun Wei*, et, Fractional Stockwell Transform: Theory and Applications, Digital Signal Processing, 2021, S1051-2004(21)00129-9.


[1] et,Deyun Wei*, Image Watermarking Based on Matrix Decomposition and Gyrator Transform in Invariant Integer Wavelet Domain, Signal Processing, 2020, 169, 107421.

[2] et,Deyun Wei*, Robust and reliable image copyright protection scheme using downsampling and block transform in integer wavelet domain, Digital Signal Processing, 2020, 106, 102805.


[1]Deyun Wei*, et, Convolution and Sampling for the Offset Affine Transform and Their Applications, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2019, 67(23), 6009-6024.

[2]Deyun Wei*, et, Lattices Sampling and Sampling rate Conversion of Multidimensional Bandlimited Signals in the Linear Canonical Transform Domain. Journal of the Franklin Institute. 356 (13), 7571-7607, September, 2019.(SCI)

[3] Lina Zhang,Deyun Wei, Dual DCT-DWT-SVD Digital Watermarking Algorithm Based on Particle Swarm Optimization. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2019. (SCI)

[4] Wenwen Yang,Deyun Wei*, New sampling method associated with arbitrary lattices sampling in the Fourier domain . Optik, 2019. 183: 797-804 (SCI)


[1]Deyun Wei*,New product and correlation theorems for the offset linear canonical transform and its applications. Optik, 2018. 164: 243-253 (SCI)


[1]Deyun Wei*, et, Time-frequency analysis method based on affine Fourier transform and Gabor transform.IETSignal Processing. 11(2), 213-220, April, 2017.

[2]Deyun Wei*,Filterbank Reconstruction of Band-limited Signals from Multichannel Samples Associated with the Linear Canonical Transform.IETSignal Processing.11(3), 320-331, May, 2017.


[9]Deyun Wei*,Filterbank Reconstruction of Band-limited Signals from Multichannel Samples Associated with the Linear Canonical Transform.IETSignal Processing. Accepted, to be published, 2016, 10.

[8]Deyun Wei*, Ruikui Wang, and Yuan-Min Li,Random Discrete Linear Canonical Transform.J. OPT SOC AM A (JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION). Accepted, to be published, 2016, 11.

[7] Yuan-Min Li,Deyun Wei, Delayed Lagrange neural network for sparse signal reconstruction under compressive sampling, International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2016.05.049, 2016, 5.

[6]Deyun Wei*, Yuan-Min Li, Ruikui Wang, A time-frequency analysis method based on affine Fourier transform and Gabor transform.IETSignal Processing. DOI: 10.1049/iet-spr.2016.0231, 2016, 09.

[5]Deyun Wei*, Image Super-resolution using the high-order derivative interpolation associated with fractional filter function. IETSignal Processing. DOI: 10.1049/iet-spr.2015.0444, 2016, 06.

[4] Yuan-Min Li,Deyun Wei, Signal Reconstruction of Compressed Sensing Based on Recurrent Neural Networks, Optik, 2016, 127(10): 4473–4477.

[3]Deyun Wei*, Yuan-Min Li, Generalized sampling expansion with multiple sampling rates for lowpass and bandpass signals in the fractional Fourier domian.IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 2016, 64(8), 4861-4974.

[2]Deyun Wei*,Multi-channel Sampling Expansion for Band-pass Signals without Channels Constraints, Signal Processing-image communication, 2016, 93(8): 4047-4052.

[1]Deyun Wei*,Novel Convolution and Correlation Theorems for the Fractional Fourier Transform, International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2016, 127(7): 3669-3675.


[2]Deyun Wei*, Yuanmin Li, The Dual Extensions of Sampling and Series Expansion Theorems for the Linear Canonical Transform, Optik, 2015. 126: 5163-5167(SCI)

[1] Yuanmin Li,Deyun Wei, A generalized smoothing Newton method for the symmetric cone complementarity problem, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2015, 264: 335–345.(SCI)


[10]Deyun Wei*, Yuanmin Li, Novel tridiagonal communting matrices for Types I, IV, V, VIII DCT and DST Matrices. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2014, 21(4), 483-487. (SCI)

[9]Deyun Wei*, Yuan-Min Li, Generalized Gabor Expansion Associated with Linear Canonical Transform Series, International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2014, 125, 16, 4394-4397.(SCI)

[8]Deyun Wei*, Yuan-Min Li, Sampling and series expansion for linear canonical transform, Signal Image and Video Processing, 2014, 8, 1095-1101. (SCI)

[7]Deyun Wei*, Yuanmin Li, Generalized Wavelet Transform Based on the Convolution Operator in the Linear Canonical Transform Domain, Optik, 2014, 125, 16, 4491-4496. (SCI)

[6]Deyun Wei*, Yuanmin Li, Multichannel sampling theorem for bandpass signals in the linear canonical transform domian. International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2014, 125, 14, 3434-3438.(SCI)

[5]Deyun Wei*, Yuanmin Li, Reconstruction of Multidimensional Bandlimited Signals from Multichannel Samples in the Linear Canonical Transform Domain.IET Signal Processing. 2014,8(6), 647-657. (SCI)

[4]Deyun Wei*, Yuanmin Li, Linear Canonical Wigner Distribution and Its Application, International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2014, 125, 1, 89-92. (SCI)

[3] Yuanmin Li,Deyun Wei, Similarity automorphism invariance of some P-properties of linear transformations on Euclidean Jordan algebras, Optim Letter, 2014, 8,7, 2087-2098.(SCI)

[2] Yuanmin Li,Deyun Wei, Solvability based on E-property for the nonlinear symmetric cone complementarity problem, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2014, 236, 437-449.(SCI)

[1] Yong Li, Xuejun Sha,Deyun Wei, Image scaling algorithm using multichannel sampling in the linear canonical transform domain, Signal Image and Video Processing, 2014, 8(2), 197-204. (SCI)


[4]Deyun Wei*, Yuanmin Li, Sampling reconstruction of N-dimensional bandlimited images after multilinear filtering in fractional Fourier domain, Optics Communications. 2013, 295, 26-35. (SCI)

[3]Deyun Wei*, Yuanmin Li, Different Forms of Plancherel Theorem for Fractional Quaternion Fourier Transform, International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2013, 124, 24, 6999-7002. (SCI)

[2]Deyun Wei*, Qiwen Ran, et, Sampling of bandlimited signals in the linear canonical transform domain, Signal Image and Video Processing, 2013, 7, 575-580. (SCI)

[1]Deyun Wei*, Qiwen Ran, Multiplicative filtering in fractional Fourier domain, Signal Image and Video Processing, 2013, 7, 553-558. (SCI)


[1]Deyun Wei*, Qiwen Ran, et, A convolution and product theorem for the linear canonical transform, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2009, 16(10), 853-856. (SCI)

[2]Deyun Wei*, Qiwen Ran, et, Generalized sampling expansion for bandlimited signals associated with the fractional Fourier transform, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2010, 17(6), 595-598. (SCI)

[3]Deyun Wei*, Qiwen Ran, et, Reply to “Comments on ‘A convolution and product theorem for the linear canonical transform’”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2010, 17(6), 617-618. (SCI)

[4]Deyun Wei*, Qiwen Ran, et, Fractionalization of odd time odd frequency DFT matrix based on the eigenvectors of a novel nearly tridiagonal commuting matrix, IET Signal Processing, 2011, 5(2), 150-156. (SCI)

[5]Deyun Wei*, Qiwen Ran, et, Multichannel sampling and reconstruction of bandlimited signals in the linear canonical transform domain, IET Signal Processing, 2011, 8(5), 717-727. (SCI)

[6]Deyun Wei*, Qiwen Ran, et, Reconstruction of band-limited signals from multichannel and periodic nonuniform samples in the linear canonical transform domain, Optics Communications, 2011, 284, 4307-4315. (SCI)

[7]Deyun Wei*,Qiwen Ran, et, Multichannel sampling expansion in the linear canonical transform domain and its application to superresolution, Optics Communications, 2011, 284(23), 5424-5429. (SCI)

[8]Deyun Wei*, Qiwen Ran, et, Sampling of fractional bandlimited signals associated with fractional Fourier transform, International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2012, 123(2), 137-139. (SCI,)

[9]Deyun Wei*, Qiwen Ran, et, A convolution and correlation theorem for the linear canonical transform and its application, Circuit System and Signal Processing, 2012, 31(1), 301-312. (SCI)

[10]Deyun Wei*, Qiwen Ran, et, New convolution theorem for the linear canonical transform and its translation invariance property, International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2012, 123(16), 1478-1481. (SCI)

[11]Deyun Wei*, Qiwen Ran, et, Sampling of bandlimited signals in the linear canonical transform domain, Signal Image and Video Processing, 2011, DOI: 10.1007/s11760-011-0258-0. (SCI)

[12]Deyun Wei*, Qiwen Ran, Multiplicative filtering in fractional Fourier domain, Signal Image and Video Processing, 2011, DOI: 10.1007/s11760-011-0261-5. (SCI)

[13] Yuanmin Li, Xingtao Wang,Deyun Wei, A new class of smoothing complementarity functions over symmetric cones, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 15, 3299-3305, 2010(SCI)

[14] Yuanmin Li, Xingtao Wang,Deyun Wei, A new class of complementarity functions for symmetric cone complementarity problems, Optimization Letters, 5, 247-257, 2011(SCI)

[15] Yuanmin Li, Xingtao Wangg,Deyun Wei, Improved smoothing Newton methods for symmetric cone complementarity problems, Optimization Letters, 6(3), 471-483, 2012(SCI)

[16] Yuanmin Li, Xingtao Wang,Deyun Wei, A smoothing Newton method for NCPs with the P0-property, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217, 6917-6925, 2011 (SCI)

[17] Yuanmin Li, Xingtao Wang,Deyun Wei, Complementarity properties of the Lyapunov transformation over symmetric cones, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 28(7), 1431-1442, 2012(SCI)



[1] Qiwen Ran,Deyun Wei*, Yong Li, Yuanmin Li,Multichannel sampling expansion in the fractional Fourier transform domain and its application to supreresolution, 2011 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference (CSQRWC), 2011, 1355-1359. (EI, IEEE)

[2] Qiwen Ran,Deyun Wei,Zhongzhao Zhang and Xuejun Sha, Novel nearly tridiagonal commuting matrix and fractionalizations of generalized DFT matrix, 2009 IEEE 22nd Canadian conference on electrical and computer engineering, vols 1 and 2,555-558 (EI,IEEE)
