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作者: 文章来源: 发布时间:2017年07月23日 00:00 阅读次数:

The 3rdInternational Conference on 2D Materials and Technology

会议官方网站:http://conference.ntu.edu.sg/icon-2dmat  Following the success of the International Conference onTwo-Dimensional Layered Materials in Hangzhou (2014, China) and Hong Kong(2016, China), and the International Symposium on Physics and DeviceApplication of Two-Dimensional Materials in Nanjing (2015, China) and Shanghai(2016, China), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) will be hosting the 3rdInternational Conference on Two-Dimensional Layered Materials (ICON-2DMAT2017), 11-15 December 2017. The conference aims at enhancing the synergy withinthe 2D community and building toward a strong future in 2D science andtechnology. ICON-2DMAT 2017 will bring together a wide spectrum of researchscientists within the government R&D community, industry, and academia as ameans to build synergy in layered materials and nano-device research.
  Graphene-like 2D materials have recently gained renewed interestdue to their unique optoelectronic properties and potential applications. The2D layered materials (2DLM) are now one of the most active fields of researchin materials science, condensed matter physics, and chemistry.
  This conference will cover all 2D materials, with focus ongraphene and other group-IV silicene and germanene, transition metaldichalcogenides/oxides, and group-IV and group-III metal chalcogenides. Theconference will address materials synthesis and processing, devices, chemistry,physics, and applications. The scalable growth and integration techniques, newdiscovery, and novel and practical applications will be at the heart of thisconference. The conference aims to bring together researchers, developers andusers from around the world to share states-of-the-art results, to explore newareas of research and development, and to discuss emerging issues facing 2Dmaterials.
  Important date (Tentative)
  Abstract submission
  01 April, 2017
  Deadline for abstract submission
  31 July, 2017
  Notification of Acceptance
  31 August, 2017
  Deadline for presenting Authors Registration
  01 October 2017
  Organising Committee
  Local Organizing Committee
  Hua Zhang and Andrew Wee
  Qihua Xiong and Kian Ping Loh
  Technical Chair:
  Wei Chen, Zheng Liu, Ting Yu, Weibo Gao, Goki Eda, Edwin Teo, Quek Su Ying
  Ting Yu and Weibo Gao
  Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
  National University of Singapore (NUS)
  Institute of Advanced Studies, NTU
  Materials Research Society of Singapore (MRS-S)
  Zexiang Shen, Justin Song, Beng Kang Tay, Qijie Wang,Edwin Yeow, Qing Zhang, Yong Wei Zhang, Yun Zong
  International advisory Committee
  Pulickel Ajayan, Manish Chhowalla, Mei-Yin Chou,Xiaodong Cui, Xiangfeng Duan, Atac Imamoglu, Yoshihiro Iwasa, Andras Kis, YoungHee Lee, Zhongfan Liu, Jun Lou, Steven Louie, Antonio Castro Neto,Stephen Pennycook, Yi Xie, Xiaodong Xu, Wang Yao, Yuanbo Zhang

  Plenary Speakers

  Symposium Program
  Topic 1: Synthesis, Controllable Growthand Characterizations
  Co-Chairs: Zheng Liu, Hailin Peng and JunHe
  Topic 2: Chemistry of 2D Materialsfor Energy, Catalysis and Sensing Applications
  Co-Chairs: Wei Chen andYun Zong
  Topic 3: Structural, electronic, opticaland magnetic properties
  Co-Chairs: Goki Eda and Weibo Gao
  Topic 4: Theory and simulation
  Co-Chairs: Quek Su Ying, YongweiZhang and Justin Song
  Topic 5: Devices and Applications inElectronics, Photonics and Optoelectronics
  Co-Chairs: Ting Yu, QijieWang and Xinran Wang
  Topic 6: Focused Session: Forum for 2DYoung Scientist Awardees
  Co-Chairs: Hua Zhang, Qihua Xiong
  Topic 7: Focused discussion: the future of2D materials
  Co-Chairs: Zhang Hua and Xiong Qihua
  Young Scientist Award
  The Singapore MRS- ICON 2DMAT YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD (YSA), supported byS-MRS, is to recognize highly innovative and productive scientists andengineers who are at the age of 40 or under who have showngreat potential to be world-class researchers in the research of 2DMaterials.
  The winner willreceive a cash prize of S$1000 and a trophy.
  a) Nominatorplease completes and returns the nomination form, not later than 30th September 2017, to:ICON2DMAT@gmail.com, with a subject specified as“YSA_First name_Last name”.
  b) Eligibilityof nominee: born on or after January 1st 1978 orobtained Ph.D. degree within 10 years, which one is sooner.
  c) Supportingdocument:s (1) one-page brief curriculum vitae; (2) two reference letters; (3)first biography page of passport.
  d) Any inquiriesplease address to:ICON2DMAT@gmail.com.
  Registration Fee
  Registration feefor delegate: S$900
  Registration feefor student: S$450
  * Fees include 7%Government Goods and Services Tax payable.

