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姓名: 郝亮

职位: 讲师



工作单位:机电工程学院 电子机械系


通信地址: 陕西省西安市太白南路2号            西安电子科技大学



办公地点:机电工程学院 电子机械系


1. 个人履历    

        郝亮,男,1985年出生于陕西西安,2007年7月本科毕业于东北大学材料成型及控制工程专业;2009年7月硕士毕业于东北大学材料加工工程专业;2013年7月取得东北大学材料加工工程专业博士学位;2016年5月获得Mechanical Materials & Mechatronic Engineering, University of Wollongong, Australia, 博士学位。2016年6月进入西安电子科技大学机电工程学院电子工程系任讲师,目前主要从事张拉整体机器人研究工作。


2. 学术成果   


1.    Liang Hao,, Zhengyi Jiang, Dongbin Wei, Yue, Zhao, Jingwei Zhao, Ming Luo, Li Ma, Suzhen Luo and Laizhu Jiang, Effect of extreme pressure agents on the anti-scratch behaviour of high-speed steel material, Tribology International, 81(2015) 19-28. SCIIF: 2.259

2.      Liang Hao, Zhengyi Jiang, Xiawei Cheng, Jingwei Zhao, Dongbin Wei, Laizhu Jiang, Suzhen Luo, Ming Luo and Li Ma, Effect of Extreme Pressure Additives on the Deformation Behavior of Oxide Scale during the Hot Rolling of Ferritic Stainless Steel Strips, Tribology Transactions, 58(2015) 947-954. SCIIF:1.418

3.      Liang Hao, Zhengyi Jiang, Zhixin Chen, Dongbin Wei, Xiawei Cheng, Jingwei Zhao, Ming Luo, Li Ma, Suzhen Luo and Laizhu Jiang, High temperature oxidation of indefinite chill roll material under dry and humid atmospheres, Steel Research International, 86 (2015) 1-10. SCIIF:1.18

4.      Liang Hao, Zhengyi Jiang, Dianyao Gong, Dongbin Wei, Xiawei Cheng, Jingwei Zhao, Suzhen Luo and Laizhu Jiang, Experimental and Numerical Study on the Effect of ZDDP Films on Sticking During Hot Rolling of Ferritic Stainless Steel Strip, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 47(2016)5195-5202. SCIIF:1.749

5.      L. Hao, Z.Y. Jiang, D.B. Wei, H. Wu, X.W. Cheng, J.W. Zhao, S.Z. Luo and L.Z. Jiang. Friction and wear behaviour of high-speed steel and indefinite chill materials for work rolls, Wear,(2017) s 376–377:1580-1585.SCIIF:2.5

6.      Hao Liang, Di Hongshuang, Gong Dianyao. Analysis of sheet curvature in asymmetrical cold rolling [J]. Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International. 20(2013) 34-37. SCIIF:0.675

7.      Xiawei Cheng, Zhengyi Jiang, Dongbin Wei, Liang Hao, Jingwei Zhao and Laizhu Jiang, Oxide scale characterization of ferritic stainless steel and its deformation and friction in hot rolling, Tribology International, 84(2015) 61-70. SCIIF: 2.259

8.      X.Cheng, Z.Y.Jiang, G.Luo, D.Wei and L.Hao, Study on oxidation behaviour of stainless steels in short time, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 633-634(2014) 209-214.

9.      Liang Hao, Hongshuang Di, Dianyao Gong, Dongbin Wei and Zhengyi Jiang, Advanced Flatness Control Strategies for Multivariable Optimisation Flatness Control System of Foil Rolling Mill, Advanced Materials Research, 655-657 (2013) 1450-1455.

10.  郝亮,邸洪双,龚殿尧,等.带钢冷轧闭环反馈控制最优化算法程序开发[J].机械工程学报[J]48(6)201239-43EI

11.  郝亮,邸洪双,龚殿尧,等.平直度离线显示和板形识别统计软件开发[J].东北大学学报(自然科学版)31(10)20101414-1416EI

12.  郝亮,邸洪双,龚殿尧,等.箔材轧机板形控制原理的研究[J].中国冶金,21(3)20111-4.

13.  Liang Hao, Zhengyi Jiang, Dongbin Wei and Xiawei Cheng, Finite element analysis of roll bit behaviors in cold foil rolling process, AIP Conference Proceedings. 1532 478-493(2013).




2. 不锈钢热轧润滑及轧辊氧化;
