12 Mar.2015
Prof. Luciano Iess from Sapienza University of Rome has come for academic exchange at the gracious i
The “Space Measurement Control Communication Technology Joint Lab” co-constructed by the Beijing Research Institute of Telemetry (BRIT) and Xidian University has invited Luciano Iess for academic exchange in Beijing on June 11, 2014. Luciano Iess is a full professor from the school of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of Sapienza University of Rome. Prof. Iess has given two wonderful lectu...
02 Mar.2015
"Top space scientists face to face", Shuai Ping, research fellow of Hsue-Shen Tsien Lab, has come
The activity of "top space scientists face to face" was successfully held in the hall of SAST, Block G-240, south campus, on June 6, 2014. It was the third academic lecture of the space science serial provided by the school. Shuai Ping, research fellow and technology chief of Hsue-Shen Tsien Lab, gave an excellent scientific lecture on the topic of “Next Generation Pulsar Navigation Technology...
01 Mar.2015
The signing ceremony for the establishment of Xidian University and Hsue-Shen Tsien Joint Laboratory
On June 6, 2014, the third conference room of north campus has witnessed a great event: the signing ceremony for the establishement of Xidian University and Hsue-Shen Tsien Joint Laboratory. Many school leaders have participated in this ceremony. These leaders include Mr. Long Jiancheng, deputy secretary of Xidian University, Mr. Bao Weimin, academician and vice dean of SAST, Mr. Chen Hong, chi...
03 Feb.2015
Prof. Luciano Iess from Sapienza University of Rome has come for academic exchange at the gracious invitation of the joint lab
The “Space Measurement Control Communication Technology Joint Lab” co-constructed by the Beijing Research Institute of Telemetry (BRIT) and Xidian University has invited Luciano Iess for academic exchange in Beijing on June 11, 2014. Luciano Iess is a full professor from the school of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of Sapienza University of Rome. Prof. Iess has given two wonderful lectu...