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Quality Curriculum


National Quality Curriculum: Signals and Systems

Course Leader: Prof. GUO Baolong

The Signals and Systems is a core curriculum for students majored in Communications and Electronic Information. The conceptions and analytical methodologies throughout this course are widely applied to fields of communications, autonomous control, signals and information processing, as well as electronic circuits and systems. In order to make lectures interesting and more accessible, multimedia technologies such as graphics, texts, audio, video and animations are introduced into the teaching process. Backed by modern network technologies, students are encouraged to actively explore the self-directed learning and discussion experiences under the guidance of the course instructors. In the process of learning, students can develop their abilities in interacting and cooperating with peers, as well as being more open-minded, accepting and independent. As one of the most significant fundamental courses (common platform basic courses) for more than 20 bachelor programs, the curriculum of Signals and Systems is now supporting 8 famous brand specialties at provincial level and 5 national key disciplines including Electronic Circuit and Systems, Signal and Information Processing, as well as Communications. This course also supports 2 national teaching bases, i.e., the National Electrical and Electronic Teaching Base, and the National Integrated Circuit Training Base. This curriculum was granted the national quality course in 2004.

Provincial Quality Curriculum: Fundamentals of Circuit Analysis

Course Leader: Prof. LI Xiaoping

The Fundamentals of Circuit Analysis is designed to introduce to students fundamental concepts and principles of circuit, general resistive circuit analysis, commonly used circuit theorems, dynamic circuit analysis in the time domain, sinusoidal steady state circuit analysis, circuit frequency response, two-port networks, non-linear resistive circuit, etc. Through the course learning, students will obtain the fundamental circuit theorems and basic circuit analysis skills, and learn how to perform logic reasoning, analysis, and computations. This curriculum provides necessary circuit knowledge and it is the prerequisite course for Electronic Technology Basis, Signals and Systems, High-Frequency Electronic Circuit, etc. It is an important professional basic course for various specialties of electronic information category. This curriculum supports 8 provincial brand specialties, 5 national key disciplines (Circuits and Systems, Signals and Information Processing, as well as communications), 2 national teaching bases, i.e., the National Electrical and Electronic Teaching Base, and the National Integrated Circuit Training Base. This curriculum was granted the national quality course in 2004.

Provincial Quality Curriculum:Digital Image Processing

Course Leader:Prof. XU Luping

The Digital Image Processing is a core course for specialties of electronic information class. This course introduces to students the technologies and basic applications related to digital processing of images. This curriculum is divided into 8 chapters and 3 parts. The first part mainly illustrates fundamentals of digital image processing. This part contains 3 chapters, i.e., introductions, fundamentals of image processing and image transformation. The second part discusses fundamental methods and technologies in image processing. It includes 3 chapters, i.e., image enhancement, recovery and reconstruction, as well as compression encoding. The third part elaborates fundamental principles and technologies in digital image analysis. It contains 2 chapters: image segmentation and description. The teaching style of this course is dynamic. It not only pays attention to the imparting of theoretical knowledge, but also puts the theory into the practical uses. This is achieved by periodically holding lectures on new technologies and making students frequently attending the experimental classes. English training is also incorporated into the teaching process. Students are required to search, understand, and make use of English materials during their studies. This course is granted the provincial quality course in 2005.

XiDian Quality Curriculum: Principle of Microcomputer and System Design

Course Leader:Prof. XU Luping

The Principle of Microcomputer and System Design, one of the most important professional curriculums for the electronic specialty, is granted the Xidian University “A” level course for the first batch. It is also a National Computer Rank Examination Course (hardware direction), and the compulsory examination subject of National Post-Graduate Entrance Examination for specialties such as electronic circuit and system, signals and information processing, system engineering, as well as navigation, guidance and control. For better understanding, students are required to have basic knowledge of “Introductions to Computers” and “C programming languages”. It is the prerequisite course for the “Data Structure”, “Foundations of Software Technologies”, and “Computer Networks”. The main emphasis in this course is learning about:

  • The program design technologies in the assembly language with the Intel 8086/8088 processors.

  • The design principle for the computer system with Intel 8086/8088 processors.

  • Commonly used interface chip design: methodologies and applications.

This course trains students in both theoretic and practical skills. Students are encouraged to practice their logic thinking as much as possible, as well as actively doing hardware and software experiments. Through a succession of well-designed course projects, students will learn how to apply the theory into the practical uses. This course is granted the provincial quality course in 2003.
