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长期致力于新型光电器件与智能光学成像技术研究,在新型半导体光电探测器件(PDs)设计、光电器件物理与智能光学成像系统方面积累了丰富的技术和经验。近五年以第一/通讯作者在Light: Science &Applications, Advanced Materials, Science Bulletin, ACS Nano, Advanced Functional Materials等国内外高水平期刊发表SCI学术论文20余篇,包括10篇中科院一区论文,总被引次数达860次(Google Scholar),H因子17。受邀国际国内学术会议主题报告6次。
1. 主持国自然青年基金(在研)
2. 入选陕西省创新创业人才计划(在研)
3. 入选西电学科交叉拓展特支计划(在研)
4. 参与国家级、省级项目4项。
1. Frontiers in Physics客座编委主席
2. 2024“光电探测与成像及智能传感技术大会”学术委员
3. 创办"PDs新视野"公众号
4. 材料人科技新闻网编辑,撰写学术新闻稿150余篇
5. Nat Commun, Light Sci Appl, Adv Funct Mater等十几种高水平SCI期刊审稿人
1. 2020年广东省真空科技青年优秀论文二等奖1/2
2. 2020年博士生国家奖学金1/1
3. 2023年“创客广东”广州地市赛奖三等奖(前10名,共800多支参赛队伍)
4. 2023,陕西省秦创原引用高层次创新创业人才项目,1/1
[1]. Y Liu, Z Ji#, G Cen, H Sun, H Wang, C Zhao, ZL Wang*, W Mai*, Perovskite-based color camera inspired by human visual cells. Light: Science & Applications,2023, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41377-023-01072-y.
[2]. Z Ji, Y Liu#, C Zhao, ZL Wang*, W Mai*, Perovskite wide-angle field-of-view camera, Adv. Mater., 2022, 34 (41), 2206957.
[3]. Y Liu, C Liu#, K Shen, P Sun, W Li, C Zhao, Z Ji*, Y Mai*, W Mai*, Underwater multispectral computational imaging based on a broadband water-resistant Sb2Se3 heterojunction photodetector. ACS Nano 16 (4), 5820-5829.
[4]. Z Ji, Y Liu#, W Li, C Zhao*, W Mai*, Reducing current fluctuation of Cs3Bi2Br9 perovskite photodetectors for diffuse reflection imaging with wide dynamic range. Sci. Bull., 2020, 65(16): 1371-1379.
[5]. Z Ji, Y Liu#, M Yao, Z Zhang, J Zhong*, W Mai*, Achieving 256×256-Pixel color images by perovskite-based photodetectors coupled with algorithms. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021, 31(37): 2104320.
[6]. Y. Liu, Z Ji, Single-pixel color imaging based on a high-performance MAPbI3 perovskite photodetector, Applied Physics Letters, 2023, doi:10.1063/5.0131826.
[7]. Z Ji, Y Liu*, X. Chen*, Mosaic-free compound eye camera based on multidirectional photodetectors and single-pixel imaging. Optics Letters,2022, 47 (24), 6349-6352.
[8]. J He, Y Liu*, Z Li, Z Ji, G Yan, C Zhao*, W Mai, Achieving dual-color imaging by dual-band perovskite photodetectors coupled with algorithms. J. Colloid Inter. Sci. 2022, 625, 297-304
[9]. Y Liu, Y Gao, J Zhi, R Huang, W Li, X Huang, G Yan, Z Ji*, W Mai*, All-inorganic lead-free NiOx/Cs3Bi2Br9 perovskite heterojunction photodetectors for ultraviolet multispectral imaging, Nano Research, 2022, 15(2): 1094-1101.
[10]. Y Liu, Z Ji*, Y Li, H Fan, W Mai*, Spectrum-shaped Si-perovskite hybrid photodetectors for hyperspectral bioimaging. Photonics Res., 2021, 9(9):1734-1744.