Professor Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates graduate teacher
Academic Titles:杭州研究院
Date of Birth:1986-09-14
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Philosophy
Status:On duty
Date of Employment:2023-01-16
Discipline:Integrated Circuit System Design
Business Address:北校区红楼203
Contact Information:liubei@xidian.edu.cn
2020年博士毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学,致力于射频毫米波集成电路与系统架构的研究和设计工作,拥有丰富的芯片设计和产业界经验,以第一作者发表学术论文11篇, 包含7篇发表于射频集成电路领域权威期刊IEEE TMTT、TCAS-I 和MWCL。于2014年至2020年,就职于新加坡南洋理工大学集成电路设计中心 (VIRTUS),期间主持新加坡国家研究基金(经费约为1440万RMB),并参与华为‘10GiFi超宽带载波聚合射频收发机’项目的研究,于2019获得了华为技术合作“卓越奖”。于2021年至2022年期间,就职于上海安其威微电子科技有限公司,参与并负责多款相控阵射频前端芯片的研发,实现了商业量产,应用于5G毫米波通信、卫星通信和雷达等多个领域,期间入选“上海市高层次人才”。
1. 射频毫米波集成电路设计和系统研究(Transceiver/PA/LNA/Mixer/VGA/DSA/Phase shifter/PLL/Filter);
2. GaN 射频集成功率放大器;
3. WiFi-6/7 射频收发器芯片设计;
4. 5G毫米波相控阵射频前端芯片设计;
5. 相控阵雷达射频前端芯片设计;
6. 卫星通信射频芯片设计;
7. 无线超高速通信系统及收发芯片研究设计;
1. B. Liu, et al, “Reconfigurable 2.4/5.0-GHz Dual-band CMOS Power Amplifier for WLAN 802.11ax,’’ IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - I, April. 2024.
2. T. Zhang, J. Pan,B. Liu, “Miniaturized Wideband Pole-Zero Following Tunable Bandstop Filter for 5G Millimeter-Wave Application,’’ IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - II, April. 2024.
3. B. Liu, et al, “Reconfigurable 2.4/5-GHz Dual-band Transmitter Front-End Supporting 1024-QAM for WLAN 802.11ax Application in 40-nm CMOS,’’ IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - I, vol. 68, no. 6, pp. 2404-2417, June. 2021.
4. B. Liu, et al, “A Carrier Aggregation Transmitter Front End for 5-GHz WLAN 802.11ax Application in 40-nm CMOS," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 263-275, Jan. 2020.
5. B. Liu, et al, “Reconfigurable 2.4/5-GHz Dual-band Transmitter Front-End Supporting 1024-QAM for WLAN 802.11ax Application in 40-nm CMOS,’’ IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 68, no. 9, pp. 4018-4030, Sep. 2020.
6. B. Liu, et al, “A novel 2.6-6.4GHz highly integrated broadband GaN power amplifier”, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 37-39, 2018.
7. B. Liu, et al, “A fully integrated Class-J GaN MMIC power amplifier for 5-GHz WLAN 802.11ax application”, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 434-436, 2018.
8. B. Liu, et al, “A highly efficient fully integrated GaN power amplifier for 5-GHz WLAN 802.11ac application”, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 437-439, 2018.
9. K.T. Yang, X. Yi, C.C. Boon, Z.P. Liang, G.Y. Feng, C.Y. Li, B. Liu, "A Parallel Sliding-IF Receiver Front-End with Sub-2 dB Noise Figure for 5-6 GHz WLAN Carrier Aggregation," IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 392-403, Feb. 2021.
11. B. Liu, et al, “Reconfigurable bandpass filter based on net-type stepped-impedance resonator”, IET Electronics Letters, Vol. 46, No. 22, pp. 1506-1507, 2010.
12. B. Liu, et al, “A tunable bandpass filter with switchable bandwidth”, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol. 25, No. 2-3, pp. 223-232, 2011.
13. B. Liu, et al, “Switchable bandpass filter with two-state frequency responses”, IET Electronics Letters, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 40-41, 2011.