Rong Du

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Female Xidian University With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study Professor

Academic Titles:Chair Professor

Other Post:Head of Academic Committee, School of Economics and Management


Dr. Rong Du isHuashan EliteProfessorat the School of Economics and Management,Xidian University,China.Shewas a visiting professor in the Department of Computer Information Systems, Georgia State University, US, the Department of Information Systems and Computing, Brunel University, UK, and the MISDepartmentof Quinn School of Business, University College Dublin, Ireland.Professor Du teaches the course “Cross-cultural Management” for undergraduate students online. Her research interests include knowledge sharing, business analytics, E-commerce, and global management in IT/IS services.She has published papers ininternationaljournals such asMIS Quarterly, Information & Management,Journal of Strategic Information Systems,International Journal of Information Management,Electronic Commerce Research,Expert Systems with Applications, Chinese Management Studies,etc.Together with her co-authors, she won 2013 Best Paper AwardofJournal of Strategic Information Systemsand2014 Best Publications Awardof Association for Information Systems.She is a scholar selected into the New Century’s Excellent Talent Supporting Program by the Ministry of Education in China.

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Education Background

2000.3 2004.6

  • 西安电子科技大学
  • 应用数学
  • Doctoral degree
  • With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
  • 在理学院应用数学专业在职攻读博士研究生

1995.8 1998.4

  • 西安交通大学
  • 技术经济专业
  • Master's degree
  • With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates
  • 在管理学院技术经济专业攻读硕士研究生

1986.9 1990.7

  • 西安交通大学
  • 无线电技术
  • Bachelor's degree
  • University graduated
  • 在信息与控制工程系攻读本科

Work ExperienceMore>>

2019.7 2019.8
  • 美国University of Texas at Dallas
  • 高级访问教授
  • 博导短期出国交流项目
2019.1 2019.2
  • 美国Georgia State University
  • 高级访问教授
  • 博导短期出国交流项目
2018.1 2018.2
  • 美国Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • 高级访问教授
  • 博导短期出国交流项目

Social AffiliationsMore>>

2018.10 Now

  • 教育部高等学校管理科学与工程类专业教学指导委员会委员

2020.9 Now

  • 陕西省管理科学与工程管理教指委副主任

2005.10 Now

  • 中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会理事

Research Focus

  • 电子商务平台与IT服务管理
  • 跨文化管理与跨境电子商务
  • 知识管理与智能商务

Research Group
