Baoyan Duan

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Male   Professor  




l   Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Xidian University, Xi’an, China

l   M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Northwest Telecommunication Engineering Institute (NTEI), Xi’an, China

l   B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Northwest Telecommunication Engineering Institute (NTEI), Xi’an, China


Experience Record

l   1992 – Present, Professor, School of Mechano-Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, China

l   2002 – 2012, President, Xidian University, China

l   2000.07 – 2000.10, Senior Visiting Scholar of Cornell University, USA

l   1998 – 2002, Vice President, Xidian University, China

l   1996 – 1998, Dean, School of Electromechanical Engineering, Xidian University, China

l   1991 – 1994, Postdoctoral Fellow, Liverpool University, UK


Specialty Areas

l   Electromechanical engineering

l   Electromechanical coupling theory, technology and application of electronic equipment

l   Engineering structure optimization design



Main Academic Positions

l   Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), 2011

l   President of the Antenna System Industry Alliance (ASIA) of China, 2011

l   President of the Electromechanical Engineering Society (EMES) of China, 2005

l   Fellow of International Engineering Society (IET), UK, 2008

l   Fellow of Chinese Institute of Electronics (CIE), China, 2006

l   Fellow of Asian Society of Structural and Multidisciplinary Opt. (ASSMO), 2000

l   Editor-in-Chief of Chinese J. Electro-Mechanical Engineering (EME), China, 2005

l   Editor-in-Chief of Information and Electronic Engineering (IEE) subject for ENGINEERING, the flagship Int. J. of CAE

l   Associate Editor-in-Chief, Int. J. Frontier of Information Technology and Electronic Engineering (FITEE)

l   Editor of ACTA Astronautics

l   Editor of IEEE Transaction on Internet of Things (IoT)

l   Editor of Automation and Intelligence

l   Editor of Int. J. Simulation & Multidisciplinary Design Optimization

l   Associate Editor-in-Chief of Chinese Journal of Electronics

l   Associate Editor of Chinese Journal of mechanical Engineering



l   The 1st prize of national award for science and technology progress of China (1st author) – Coupling technology between electromagnetic and mechanical technologies for flexible antennae design (2020)

l   The 2nd prize of national award for science and technology progress of China (1st author) – Design theory, key technology and application of large satellite deployable antennas (2013)

l   The 2nd prize of national award for science and technology progress of China (1st author) – Integrated design of reflector antennas considering electromagnetics, structure and control and its application (2008)

l   The 2nd prize of national award for science and technology progress of China (1st author) – Study on the electromechanical synthetic optimization and precise control of antenna structure considering full performance and full system (2004)

l   Hong Kong Ho Leung Ho Lee prize of science and technology progress (2012)

l   Golden prize of Chinese good design – Chinese heaven eye of FAST 500-m radio telescope (2017)

l   Outstanding contribution prize of Chinese Academy of Sciences – Chinese heaven eye of FAST 500-m radio telescope (2017)

l   Fellow award of Asian congress of structural and multidisciplinary optimization (2018)


Personal Honors

l   National Excellent Worker on Science and Technology of China, 2011

l   National Advanced Worker of China, 2005

l   National Advanced Individual of Teachers' Professional Ethics of China, 2004

l   Winner of National "Wu-Yi" Labor Medal of China, 2003

l   National Excellent Returnee of Studying Abroad Awarded of China, 2003



Parts of Published Monographs

(In English)

l   Baoyan Duan and Shuxin Zhang, Electromechanical coupling theory, methodology and applications for high-performance microwave equipment, WILEY of UK and IEEE of USA, March, 2023

l   Baoyan Duan, Yiqun Zhang and Jingli Du, Large deployable satellite antennas: design theory, methods and applications, Springer Nature Singapore Pre. Ltd., July, 2020

l   Jianjun Chen and Baoyan Duan. Reliability aspects in dynamic and structural optimization. Gordon & Breach Press, USA, 1999.

(In Chinese)

l   B.Y. Duan. On analysis, optimization and measurement of microwave antenna structures. Xidian University Press of China, the 1st edition 1998 and 2nd edition, 2017. (in Chinese)

l   B.Y. Duan.  The electromechanical coupling theory and method of electronic equipment and applications, Science Press of China, 2011 (in Chinese)

l   B.Y. Duan. Analysis, optimization and control of flexible microwave antenna structures. Science Press of China, 2005. (in Chinese)

Parts of Published Papers

I. Reflector Antennas

l   Shuxin Zhang Baoyan Duan, Integrated structural-electromagnetic optimization of cable mesh reflectors considering pattern degradation for random structural errorsInt. J. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 61:1621–1635, 2020

l   Ban You, Shufei Feng, Guy A. E. Vandenbosch, Congsi Wang, Jiahao Zhang, Baoyan Duan and Wei Wang, Calculation of the best fit subreflector and its application in eliminating the harmless error of deformed large subreflectors, IEEE Transaction on Antennas and Propagation, 68(8): 5855-5863, 2020

l   Shufei Feng, You Ban, Baoyan Duan, Congsi Wang and Bo Wang, Electronic performance-oriented mold sharing method and application in QTT 110m large radio telescope, IEEE Transaction on Antennas and Propagation, 68(8): 6407-6412, 2020

l   Shufei Feng, Baoyan Duan, Congsi Wang, Novel worst-case surface accuracy evaluation method and its application in reflector antenna structure design, IEEE Access, 7(1): 2169-3536, 2019

l   You Ban, Congsi Wang, Shufei Feng, Baoyan Duan and Wei Wang, An iteration path-length error correction approach to sub-reflector shaping for large reflector antenna distortion compensation, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 67(4): 2729-2734, 2019

l   You Ban, Baoyan Duan, Congsi Wang, Wei Wang, Shufei Feng and Binbin Xiang, Homology Parameters for Large Axisymmetric Shaped Dual-Reflector Antennas, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagations, 65(7): 3392-3398, 2018

l   Shuxin Zhang, Jingli Du, Baoyan Duan and Yuezhen Zhang, Dynamic pattern response of mesh reflector antennas with modal-based structural deformation, AIAA Journal, 56(5): 2103-2107, 2018

l   Baoyan Duan and Jianrong Tan, Special issue on electromechanical coupling design for electronic equipment, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 30(3): 495-496, 2017

l   Baoyan Duan, Congsi Wang and Wei Wang, Coupling modeling for functional surface of electronic equipment, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 30(3): 497-499, 2017

l   Peiyuan Lian, Baoyan Duan, Wei Wang, Congsi Wang, Shuxin Zhang, and Binbin XiangA pattern approximation method for distorted reflector antennas using piecewise linear fitting of the exponential error termIEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagations, 63(10): 4546-4551, 2015

l   Peiyuan Lian, Baoyan Duan, Wei Wang, Binbin Xiang and Naigang Hu, Effects of nonuniform surface errors along radius on reflector radiation characteristic and its quality evaluation, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 63(5): 2312-2316, 2015

l   Wei Wang, Congsi Wang, Baoyan Duan, Guojun Leng and Xiaoping Li, Compensation of gravity deformation via sub-reflector motion of 65m shaped Cassegrain antenna, IET Microwave Antennas & Propagation, 8(3): 158-164, 2014

l   Shuxin Zhang, Baoyan Duan, et al., Approximation of pattern analysis for distorted reflector antennas using structural-electromagnetic coupling model, IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propagation, 61(9): 4844-4847, 2013

l   Peng Li, Baoyan Duan, Wei Wang and Fei Zheng, Electromechanical coupling analysis of ground reflector antennas under solar radiationIEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 54(5): 40-57, 2012

l   Congsi Wang, Baoyan Duan, F. S. Zhang, M. B. Zhu, Coupled structural-electromagnetic-thermal modeling and analysis of active phased array antennas, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 4(2): 247-257, 2010

l   Wei Wang, Baoyan Duan, Peng Li and Liwei Song, Optimal surface adjustment by the error-transformation matrix for a segmented-reflector antenna, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 52(3): 80-87, 2010

l   Baoyan Duan, Hui Qiao and Lizhi Zeng, The Multi-field-coupled model and optimization of the absorbing material’s position and size of electronic equipment. J. Mechatronics and Applications, Article ID 569529, 1-6, 2010

l   Baoyan Duan and C.S. Wang, Reflector antenna distortion analysis using MEFCM, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 57(10): 3409-3413, 2009

l   Baoyan Duan, The integrated optimization with mechanical and electronic technologies and its application in antenna structural design, Keynote speech at the 4th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems (CJK-OSM4), November 6-9, 2006, Kunming, China (conference presentation)

l   Baoyan Duan, Y.H. Qi et al., Study on optimization of mechanical and electronic synthesis for the antenna structural system, Mechatronics, 4(6): 553-564, 1994

II. Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST)

l   Baoyan Duan, On Innovation, Simulation, Mode Experiments and Engineering of the Five hundred meters Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST), EuCAP’2018, London, United Kingdom, April 9-13, 2018

l   Shufei Feng, Congsi Wang, Baoyan Duan, You Ban, Design of tipping structure for 110 m high-precision radio telescope,  Acta Astronautica, 141: 50–56, 2017

l   Baoyan Duan, Y. Y. Qiu, et al., On design and experiment of the feed cable-suspended structure for super antenna, Mechatronics, 19(4): 503-509, 2009

l   Baoyan Duan and J. L. Du, Review on patents about mechanical design technologies of next generation super large radio telescope, Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering, 1(3): 217-224, 2008

l   B. Zi and Baoyan Duan, Dynamic modeling and active control of a cable   suspended parallel robot, Mechatronics, 18(1): 1-12, 2008

l   Baoyan Duan and J. L. Du, On analysis and optimization of an active cable-mesh main reflector for a giant Arecibo-type antenna structural system, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 55(5): 1222-1229, 2007

l   Y. X. Su, Baoyan Duan, Q. Wei, R. D. Nan and B. Peng, The wind-induced vibration control of feed supporting system for large spherical radio telescope using electrorheological damper, Mechatronics, 13 (2): 95-110, 2003

l   Y. X. Su, Baoyan Duan, R. D. Nan and B. Peng, Mechatronics design of stiffness enhancement of the feed supporting system for the Square-Kilometer Array, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 8(4): 425-430, 2003

l   Y. X. Su, Baoyan Duan and C. H. Zheng, Mechatronics design of stiffness enhancement for direct-drive motor system using ER variable damper, J. Robotic Systems, 19(9): 419-425, 2002

l   Y. Y. Qiu and Baoyan Duan, Optimal distribution of the cable tensions and structural vibration control of the cable-cabin flexible structure, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 14(1): 39-56, 2002

l   Y. Y. Qiu and Baoyan Duan, Elimination of force singularity of the cable and cabin structure for the next generation large radio telescope, Mechatronics, 12(7): 905-918, 2002

l   Y. X. Su and Baoyan Duan, The mechanical design and kinematics accuracy analysis of a fine tuning stable platform for the large spherical radio telescope, Mechatronics, 10 (7): 819-834, 2000

l   Y. X. Su and Baoyan Duan, The application of the Stewart platform in large spherical radio telescopes, J. Robotic Systems, 17 (7): 375-383, 2000

l   Baoyan Duan, A new design project of the line feed structure for large spherical radio telescope and nonlinear dynamic analysis, Mechatronics, 9(1): 53-64, 1999

l   Baoyan Duan, et al., Study of the line feed for large radio telescope from the view point of mechanical and structural engineering, the Proceedings of the 3rd meeting of the LTWG and of a Workshop on Spherical Radio Telescope, Guizhou Province of China, October 2-3, 1995

III. Satellite Deployable Antennas

l   Baoyan Duan, Space deployable antenna---A comprehensive summary, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 29(1): 1-15, 2020

l   Baoyan Duan, Jingli Du and Yiqun Zhang, New tendency of large space deployable antennas (LSDAs) and the integrated multidisciplinary comprehensive optimum design tool—SDADS, The 13th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO13), May 20-24, 2019, Beijing, China

l   Zhang Shuxin and Duan Baoyan, Model reduction of cable mesh reflector antennas with Integrated structural-electromagnetic criterion, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 23(2): 927-935, 2018

l   Xinghua Zhang, Shuxin Zhang, Baoyan Duan, Chen Yang, Meng Li, Xinbin Hou and Xun Li, Structural-electromagnetic bidirectional coupling analysis of space large film reflector antennas, Acta Astronautica, 139: 502–511, 2017

l   Baoyan Duan, F. Gao, et al., Optimization and experiment of an electrostatic forming reflector in space, J. Mechanical and Structural Technology, 29(4): 1355-1360, 2015

l   Jia Hao, Baoyan Duan, et al., The computer program of synthetical design and digital modeling for large deployable satellite antennas, Space Electronic Technology, 12(3): 35-42, 2015 (in Chinese)

l   S. Zhang, J. Du and Baoyan Duan, Integrated structural-electromagnetic analysis of mesh reflectors with random structural dimensional errors, AIAA Journal, 53(10): 2838-2844, 2015

l   Shuxin Zhang, Jingli Du, Baoyan Duan, et al., Integrated structural-electromagnetic shape control of cable mesh reflector antennas, AIAA Journal, 53(5): 1395-1398, 2015

l   Yali Zong, Baoyan Duan, You Ban, et al., Surface configuration design of cable-network reflectors considering the radiation pattern, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 62(6): 3163-3173, 2014

l   S. X. Zhang, Baoyan Duan, et al., Sensitivity analysis of reflector antennas and its application on shaped geo-truss unfurlable antennas, IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propagation, 61(11): 5402-5407, 2013

l   Yiqun Zhang, Baoyan Duan and Tuanjie Li, A controlled deployment method for flexible deployable space antennas, Acta Astronautica, 81:19–29, 2012

IV. Electromechanical-coupling-based Synthetic Optimization of Microwave Electronic Equipment

l   Shuxin Zhang Baoyan Duan, Topology optimization of continuum supporting structures for microwave antenna application, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, manuscript number, 62(5): 2409-2422, 2020

l   Naigang Hu and Baoyan Duan, An efficient robust optimization method with random and interval uncertainties, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 58(1): 229-243, 2018

l   Shufei Feng, Baoyan Duan, et al., Topology optimization of pretensioned reflector antennas with unified cable-bar model, Acta Astranautica, 152: 872-879, 2018

l   Baoyan Duan, New development of microwave antenna and synthetic ptimization with mechanical and electromagnetic integration, The 4th International Conf. on Multidisciplinary Design Optimization and Application, November 5-9, 2012, Xi’an, China

l   Guojun Leng and Baoyan Duan, Topology optimization of planar truss structures with continuous element intersection and node stability constraints, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C-J. Mechanical Engineering Science, 226(7): 1821-1831, 2012

l   C. S. Wang, Baoyan Duan and Y. Y. Qiu, On distorted surface analysis and multidisciplinary structural optimization of large reflector antennas, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 33(6): 519-528, 2007

l   Hongjun Cao and Baoyan Duan, The convex-set-model based reliability of engineering structures with non-probability, Journal of Computational Mechanics, 22(5): 546-549, 2005 (in Chinese)

l   Baoyan Duan and A. B. Templeman, Entropy-based method for topological optimization of truss structures, Computers & Structures, 75(5): 539-550, 2000

l   J. J. Chen and Baoyan Duan, Structural optimization by displaying the reliability constraints, Computers & Structures, 50(6): 777-783, 1994

l   Baoyan Duan and S. H. Ye, Topology optimization of truss structures under multiple loading conditions with consideration of nonlinear behavior constraints, ACTA MECHANICA SINICA, 24(1): 59-70, 1992 (in Chinese)

l   Baoyan Duan and S. H. Ye, A mixed method for shape optimization of skeletalstructures, Engineering Optimization, 10(3): 183-197, 1986

V. Space Solar Power Station (SSPS)

l   Baoyan Duan, Yiqun Zhang, Guangda Chen, et al., On the Innovation, Design, Construction, and Experiments of OMEGA-Based SSPS Prototype: The Sun Chasing Project, Engineering, published online, 2023

l   Shuo Zhang, Liwei Song, Baoyan Duan and Shunxi Lou, Aperture amplitude field integrated design of receiving and transmitting antenna for microwave power transmission, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Letters, 19(7): 1216-1220, 2020

l   Baoyan Duan, The Updated SSPS-OMEGA design project and the latest development of China, Keynote speech at the 3rd Asia Wireless Power Transmit(AWPT2019), Xi’an, China, October 30 and November1, 2019

l   Xun Li, Baoyan Duan and Liwei Song, Design of clustered planar arrays for microwave wireless power transmission, IEEE Transaction on Antennas and propagation, 67(1): 606-611, 2019

l   Baoyan Duan, The main aspects of the theory and technologies about space solar power satellite, SCIENTIA SINICA-Technologica, 48(11): 1207-1218, 2018  (in Chinese)

l   Baoyan Duan, On new development of Space Solar Power Station (SSPS) of China, National Space Society’s 36th International Space Development Conference (ISDC’2017), May 24-29, 2017, St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A.

l   Xun Li, Baoyan Duan, et al., Study of stepped amplitude distribution taper for microwave power transmission for SSPS, IEEE Transaction on Antennas and propagation, 65(10): 5396-5405, 2017

l   Yang Yang, Yiqun Zhang, Baoyan Duan, et al., A novel design project for space solar power station (SSPS-OMEGA), Invited Paper, Acta Astronautica, 121: 51-58, 2016

l   Baoyan Duan, A novel design project of space solar power station (SSPS) called OMEGA Project, The 2nd Symposium of Space Information Technology and Application of Chinese Academy of Engineering, September 21-23, 2014, Xi’an, China (in Chinese)

VI. Influence Mechanism (IM) of Mechanical Factors on Performance

l   Shuxin Zhang and Baoyan Duan, A handy formula for estimating the effects of random surface Errors on average power pattern of distorted reflector antennas, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagations, 67(1): 649-653, 2019

l   Chaoliu Ge, Baoyan Duan, Wei Wang, et al., An equivalent circuit model of the rectangular waveguide performance analysis considering rough flanges’ contact, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 67(4): 1336-1345, 2019

l   Baoyan Duan, The influence of manufacturing and assembly technologies on performance   of the large active phased array radar, Keynote Speech at the 7th International CIRP Conference of Assembly Technologies and Systems, Tianjin University, May 11-13, 2018, Tianjin, China

l   Na Li, Jiang Wu, Baoyan Duan and Congsi Wang, Effect of the rail unevenness on the pointing accuracy of large radio telescope, Acta Astronautica, 132(4): 13-18, 2017

l   Baoyan Duan, L. W. Song and M. B. ZhuOn influence of the welding process on electronic performance of planar slotted waveguide antennas, J. Mechanical Science and technology, 30(3): 1243-1251, 2016

l   Jinzhu Zhou, Baoyan Duan and Jin Huang, Support-vector modeling of electromechanical coupling for microwave filter tuning, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 23(1): 127-139, 2013

l   Na Li, Baoyan Duan and Fei Zheng, Effect of the random error on the radiation characteristic of the reflector antenna based on two-dimensional fractal, Int. J. Antennas and Propagation, Article ID 543462: 1-6, 2012

l   Liwei Song, Baoyan Duan, Fei Zheng and Fushun Zhang, Performance of planar slotted waveguide arrays with surface distortion, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 59(9): 3218-3223, 2011

l   Jinzhu Zhou and Baoyan Duan, Influence and tuning of tunable screws for microwave filters using least squares support vector regression, Int. J. RF and Microwave Computer Aided Engineering, 20(4): 422-429, 2010

VII. Radomes

l   Wanye Xu, Baoyan Duan, et al., Study on the Electromagnetic Performance of Inhomogeneous Radomes for Airborne Applications—Part I: Characteristics of Phase Distortion and Boresight Error, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 65(6): 3162-3174, 2017

l   Wanye Xu, Baoyan Duan, et al., Study on the Electromagnetic Performance of Inhomogeneous Radomes for Airborne Applications—Part I: Characteristics of Phase Distortion and Boresight Error, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 65(6): 3175-3183, 2017

l   Wanye Xu, Baoyan Duan, et al., A new efficient thickness profile design method for streamlined airborne radomes, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 65(11): 6190-6195, 2017

l   Wanye Xu, Baoyan Duan, et al., Integrated optimum design of metal space frame radomes with variable size members involving electromagnetic and structural analysis, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 11(11): 1565-1571, 2017

l   Wanye Xu, Baoyan Duan, et al., Novel compensation method for electromagnetic performance of dielectric radome based on reflector shaping, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 9(2):125–132, 2015

l   Wanye Xu, Baoyan Duan, et al., Multiobjective particle swarm optimization of boresight error and transmission loss for airborne radomes, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,  62(11): 5880-5885, 2014

l   Wanye Xu Baoyan Duan, et al., EM analysis of deformed metal space frame radomes, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 13:130-133, 2014

l   Wanye Xu Baoyan Duan, et al., EM performance analysis of radomes with material properties errors, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 13:848-851, 2014

VIII. Array Antennas

l   Shunxi Lou, Baoyan Duan, Wei Wang, Chaoliu Ge and Sihao Qian, Analysis of finite antenna arrays using the characteristic modes of isolated radiating elements, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 67(3): 1582-1589, 2019

l   Xun Li, Baoyan Duan, Jinzhu Zhou, Liwei Song and Yiqun Zhang, Planar array synthesis for optimal microwave power transmission with multiple constraints, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 16: 70-73, 2017

l   Naigang Hu, Baoyan Duan, et al., A new interval pattern analysis method of array antennas based on Taylor expansion, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 65(11): 6151-6156, 2017

l   C. S. Wang, Baoyan Duan, F. S. Zhang and M. B. Zhu, Coupled structural-electromagnetic-thermal modelling and analysis of active phased array antennas, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 4(2): 247-257, 2010

l   C. S. Wang, Baoyan Duan, F. S. Zhang and M. B. Zhu, Analysis of performance of active phased array antennas with distorted plane error. Int. J. Electronics, 96(5): 549-559, 2009


Education Background

Work Experience

Social Affiliations

Research Focus
